Crystal Sets 2012

On 27th of April 2012 the GARC held a Crystal set night with the aim of encouraging construction and experimentation in this interesting field. We had a full house with 18 people showing their crystal sets

Winners of the GARC Crystal Set Competition 2012

The winners Left to Right

Most Bizarre – Dallas Jones VK3DJ who wrecked 10 cars to build his set.

Most Authentic – Derek Stamp who showed us his grandfather’s crystal set.

Best Beginner – Courtney Bryson VK3FGIR with her crystal set in a piggy bank.

Most Innovative – David Learmonth VK3QM who built his set from scraps whilst camping at Dereel.

Best Performance and Best Overall – Bert Gnaccarini VK3TU who probably hasn’t slept for the last 3 months.